ben-10-rebootHello interweb, Nate here!  So apparently Ben 10 is getting information technology's outset reboot and existence the huge Ben x fan that I am I thought I would discuss my thoughts on this new series.  The series is suppose to begin airing in the autumn adjacent year nonetheless some sneak peaks have been released to the public that gives us a general feel for how the series is suppose to go.

Now earlier I tackle the actual reboot let me get over my opinions on the Ben x franchise as a whole and whether or not rebooting it would be a good idea.  At present I've been a huge fan of the testify e'er since the first series and I've been following the series ever since.  At present like I said before, this is the first actual reboot of the series as they're creating a new continuity and universe for the character.  Previous incarnations that aired afterwards the original series, such as Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10: Ultimate Conflicting, and Ben 10: Omniverse, all were sequels to the original Ben 1o series.  Now the original series is past far my favorite incarnation of the character, Conflicting Strength was as well actually skilful only in my stance wasn't as skillful every bit the original. Ultimate Conflicting was awful and the gimmick of having "evolved versions" of his aliens were just kinda impaired in my opinion (evolution doesn't piece of work like that).  While Ben ten: Omniverse was quite controversial amongst the Ben 10 fandom, I felt like it was an improvement from Ultimate Conflicting even if I wasn't a fan of the animation fashion.

So with that said, do I remember a reboot is a skillful thought?  Well while I wish they would've decided to just make a another sequel and have it exist based around Ben 10 Thou (a grown upward Ben in the hereafter where he has over ten thousand aliens; if I remember right he lost count so information technology's more then 10 grand), a reboot is honestly a fine place to starting time.  Although since no serial can live up to how cracking the original evidence was, I kinda want them to do a slightly grittier reboot where Ben gains the Omnitrix at an older age (say fifteen?  xvi?) and while it'll still throw a few jokes in there make a slightly darker tone.  Kinda similar the 2003's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot versus that original 80'due south drawing.

Even so they clearly didn't become that route.  This Ben is 10 once again and seems to be on the summer-long road trip like to the first series with 10 aliens (both onetime and new).  At present the show is getting a lot of flack because it has a new focus on comedy.  A recall a lot of fans feel like this is taking the Teen Titans Go! approach and taking the show and dumbing it down to appeal to younger kids.  Now I'm not a fan of Teen Titans Go! just I am open to this idea.  It worries me considering that the original series already had comedy in information technology only it could work and I'thou trying to continue an open heed.  Maybe I'm biased since I accept so much nostalgia for the original series, only I actually want this reboot to exist a practiced testify and I'g not letting some previews terminate me from giving information technology a try.  However, while some of the released clips I don't mind, some are admittingly kinda bad.  Like take this clip for example.

Yes, I kinda cringed at this 1.  Like I can see Ben showboating during a battle since he's 10 and can human activity immature, but this is pushing it.  The appeal to Ben 10 is that it'south a 10 year old's fantasy.  He has superpowers, and uses said powers to protect people but he does it less because it's "the right matter to do" and more of "hey, beingness a hero is cool".  On occasion he has used his powers for selfish purposes only it's less similar using them to rob a bank and more than of "what if I employ this alien to cheat on my favorite video game" sort of thing.  Moral lessons have been taught merely it'southward not really the focus of the show.  The testify is more nigh showing off a fantasy than giving deep and provocative moral lessons like Steven Universe, Avatar: The Final Airbender, or Adventure Time.  However every bit much every bit it doesn't really accept any provocative ideas to present, it does accept lovable characters and not bad moments to make information technology worth watching.

Now besides the new focus on comedy, my biggest worry for the show honestly is the blitheness.  Below I accept the sneak peak of the cartoon where Ben turns into his conflicting Diamondhead to salvage a theme park.  Now later on that sneak peak, I have a video of his transformation of the same alien but from the original series.  Come across if y'all can spot the divergence!

Aye, the blitheness is far cheaper and doesn't look as good.  It looks like Ben 10 if it was done in cheaper Gravity Falls animation.  The original series has the best animation by far but Alien Force/Ultimate Conflicting's blitheness still held upwardly as decent animation if not merely unoriginal considering how much it reminded me of Bruce Timm's DCAU style.  Omniverse was my least favorite and this series seems to be going downwardly the path of cheaper and simpler animation.

Too the alien designs are weird.  Some look decent like Diamondhead and Four Artillery (who has a really large chin for some reason) just than you have some aliens who just look off.  Stinkfly got a totally new design change which I really don't like.  The original pattern looked really cool with it's insect-like torso and the 4 stalk eyes, but now he looks like some weird cross betwixt a mosquito and a fairy.  And the fact that he shoots his slime out of his nipples is only too weird.  Wildvine is now one of his orignal 10 just they took away his root like legs which was ever a neat function od his design and changed them for legs more than similar to Swampfire.  Granted I exercise like XLR8's spikes on his back since it looks cool.  Overflow is a new conflicting to the series and he only reminds me of a H2o Run a risk knock off so I'one thousand not sure why they didn't just make Water Hazard one of his original x.  And I really want Wildmutt back, he was one of my favorites and with the new focus on comedy I can actually run across a lot of employ in Wildmutt.

Stinkfly (original)

Stinkfly (original)

Stinkfly (Reboot)

Stinkfly (Reboot)

Overall, I am worried but at the same time I'm trying to keep an open heed.  Ben 10 remains one of the best shows from my babyhood and it's nice how it doesn't seem to be dying any time soon.  I really want the series to cease up similar Transformers or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Ya know, franchises and then popular they get a crapton of reboots.  Some are good, some are bad, but because at that place'southward so many unlike versions of the same cartoon everyone has their favorites.  The 2003 Ninja Turtles is my favorite incarnation of the team but some people adopt the original and some even adopt the current one (information technology's still running, right?).  And The first live-action Turtles picture show I actually liked and I even like the Michael Bay ane as well, but the CGI blithe movie was garbage.  So hey if the same thing happens to Ben 10 I'd be happy.  Even if I don't like this version, I nonetheless accept the original to rewatch and perhaps in the future they could create a really adept reboot that I savor as well.  And I really desire a live action pic that's actually skillful (never cared for Ben x: Race Confronting Fourth dimension or Ben 10: Alien Swarm).

That's all I really have correct now in terms of thoughts.  When the first season airs I'll review it and come across what I retrieve then but in the mean time I'm hoping that it's at to the lowest degree decent.  Heck, if it's meliorate than Ultimate Alien than that would definitely be a plus!

End Poll