Ged Match Wont Upload 23 and Me Data

In this Upload-Download series, nosotros'll cover each major vendor:

  • How to download raw information files from the vendor
  • How to upload raw data files to the vendor, if possible
  • Other mainstream vendors where you lot can upload this vendor's files

Please note that downloading your Deoxyribonucleic acid file from any vendor does non bear on your matching results at that vendor. You are only downloading a copy of your raw Dna file.

Uploading TO 23andMe

This part is easy with 23andMe, because 23andMe doesn't accept any other vendor's files. In that location is no power to upload TO 23andMe. Y'all have to examination with 23andMe if yous want DNA results from 23andMe.

Downloading FROM 23andMe

In order to upload your autosomal Deoxyribonucleic acid file to another testing vendor, or GedMatch, for either matching or ethnicity, you'll need to first download the DNA file from 23andMe.

Download Step ane

Sign on to your business relationship at 23andMe.

23andMe download

Under your name at the upper right-hand corner of your page, by clicking on the footling circle with your initials, y'all'll see "Browse Raw Data." Click there.

Download Footstep ii

23andMe download 2

Y'all'll see "Your Raw Data." Click on the blue download link.

Download Pace 3

On the Download Raw Data folio, coil downward towards the bottom until yous come across "Request your raw data download."

Click on Submit asking.

Download Step 4

You lot'll see the following message maxim an e-mail will exist sent to you.

23andMe download 4

Download Stride 5

A few minutes later, an e-mail will arrive that says this:

23andMe download 5

Click on the green button in the email which will accept you lot back to 23andMe to sign in.

Download Pace 6

After you sign in, you'll see that your download file is set up. Click on "Download Raw Data" and you volition see the following.

23andMe download 6

Your raw data file will be downloaded to your reckoner where you'll need to store it in a location and by a proper name that you can discover.

The file name will be something like "genome_Roberta_Estes_v2_v3_Full_xxxxxxxx" where the xs is a long number. I would suggest adding the word 23andMe to the forepart when you save the file on your system.

About vendors desire an unopened cypher file, and so if you lot want to open your file, first copy it to another name. Otherwise, you lot'll have to download again.

23andMe Dna File Uploads to Other Vendors

23andMe files can be in one any one of four formats:

  • V2 – the earliest tests taken at 23andMe. V2 test takers were offered an upgrade to V3.
  • V3 – V3 files beginning December 2010 through December 2013
  • V4 – V4 files beginning December 2013 through August 2017
  • V5 – V5 files kickoff Baronial 2017 through nowadays, August 2021

The changes in the files due to chip differences sometimes cause problems with uploads to other vendors who utilize other testing chips.

From beneath to >>>>>>> Family Tree DNA Accepts * MyHeritage Accepts** GedMatch Accepts *** Ancestry Accepts LivingDNA Accepts ****
23andMe V2 No Aye Yes No Yeah
23andMe V3 Yes Yep Aye No Aye
23andMe V4 Yes Yes Yes No Yes
23andMe V5 Aye Aye Yes No Yes

* The upload to Family Tree DNA and matching is gratis, only avant-garde tools including the chromosome browser and ethnicity require a one-fourth dimension $19 unlock fee.

** At MyHeritage, the upload and matching is gratis, simply avant-garde tools require a i-fourth dimension $29 unlock fee unless y'all are a MyHeritage subscriber. You tin can upload here and endeavor a gratuitous subscription here.

*** At GedMatch, matching is gratis, but the more than avant-garde features require a Tier 1 subscription for $10 per month.

**** LivingDNA accepts files, but they apply a different chip and their matching is still a work-in-process.

23andMe Testing and Dna File Upload Strategy

My recommendation, if y'all've tested at 23andMe, depending on your test version, is as follows:

  • V2 – Upgrade which ways retest at 23andMe to newer exam version, or simply test at some other vendor
  • V3, V4, or V5 – Upload to Family Tree Deoxyribonucleic acid, MyHeritage and GedMatch

Pace by Footstep Upload Instructions

I wrote pace-past-step upload instructions for:

  • MyHeritage, click hither
  • Family Tree Deoxyribonucleic acid, click hither
  • Ancestry, click here

Have fun!

Please note that this article was updated in August 2021.



I receive a small contribution when yous click on some of the links to vendors in my articles. This does Non increase the price you lot pay just helps me to keep the lights on and this informational web log free for everyone. Please click on the links in the articles or to the vendors beneath if you lot are purchasing products or DNA testing.

Thank you and then much.

DNA Purchases and Gratuitous Transfers

  • FamilyTreeDNA – Y, mitochondrial and autosomal DNA testing
  • MyHeritage DNA – Autosomal DNA examination
  • MyHeritage Complimentary Dna file upload – Transfer your results from other vendors gratis
  • AncestryDNA – Autosomal Dna test
  • 23andMe Beginnings – Autosomal Dna only, no Health
  • 23andMe Ancestry Plus Health

Genealogy Products and Services

  • MyHeritage Free Tree Builder – Genealogy software for your reckoner
  • MyHeritage Subscription with Free Trial
  • Legacy Family Tree Webinars – Genealogy and DNA classes, subscription-based, some costless
  • Legacy Family Tree Software – Genealogy software for your computer
  • Charting Companion – Charts and Reports to use with your genealogy software or FamilySearch
  • RootsMagic Software – Genealogy software for your computer
  • – Search newspapers for your ancestors


  • – Lots of wonderful genealogy research books

Genealogy Research

  • Legacy Tree Genealogists – Professional genealogy enquiry


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