Nine Inch Nails Bad Witch Critics Rating Review

Bad Witch

  • Record Characterization: The Null Corporation
  • Release Date: Jun 22, 2018
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  1. It'south the sound of a ring bolstering their already formidable palette. Free from the shackles of Reznor's self-imposed trilogy of releases, the masters of melancholy sound rejuvenated, and ready for some other 30-plus years every bit kings of the musical underworld.

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  2. With Bad Witch, Reznor and Ross have proven their staying power as 1 of heavy music'due south most formidable outfits, honoring their roots while looking forward into bold, new transcendent territory.

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  3. The transitions are what make the thing, equally every bit of import as the bodily songs hither. Bad Witch finds Trent at a rare peak in terms of song menstruum and focus, and equally a piece is absolutely deserving of the LP distinction, brutally short runtime be damned.

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  4. At that place are echoes of If They Move, Kill 'Em-era Primal Scream given an industrial makeover and God Break Down the Door adds skittering rhythms to that template. The final two tracks are more sombre, especially closer Over and Ou.

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  5. Across the sixteen tracks that make up this entire project they've more often than not avoided the awkward moments that accept made listeners cringe on previous releases, they've finally nailed how to produce and mix Reznor's voice so that his still somewhat heavy-handed lyricism doesn't distract attending from the considerable craft that's gone into the music, and they've found a way to organically explore new sonic avenues which hateful that, while Reznor might feel like he's trapped in a loop, doomed to continually find himself dorsum where he's already been, Nine Inch Nails are no longer simply repeating themselves.

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  6. Production-wise, the album sounds amazing, every multilayered organization and synth tone calibrated for maximum headphone-listening pleasure. ... Reznor is still making records that crackle with restless energy.

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  7. [Trent has] ended up somewhere unique, exciting, and genuinely of his own making. [16 Jun 2018, p.57]

  8. Thirty years in NIN audio reinvigorated. [Summer 2018, p.116]

  9. While he denies us simple solutions, he uses this album to open sounds and atmospheres stranger and more daring than he'southward used earlier. Rather than looking for answers, perchance the questions are what truly affair.

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  10. Play The Goddamned Part sounds like an annihilated sci-fi state of war zone haunted by the ghosts of nightclubs and patrolled by warbots synthetic from the shrapnel of jazz saxophones. The more than ambient I'one thousand Not From This World feels similar sticking your head into an alien death race's knackered fusion drive and getting a face full of proton beam. Elsewhere, remnants of rock'n'scroll survive the sonic desecration. ... It all reflects the corrosion of the millennial historic period, personal, political and ecological.

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  11. Every bit the ring looks back upon iii decades of pain and rage, Reznor and Ross leave the sonic bread crumbs and callback allusions to the first two installments, advancing with fresh and surprising new possibilities for the coming era of 9 Inch Nails.

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  12. While 2016'southward Not the Bodily Events explores dissociative identities and 2017's Add Violence brims with paranoia well-nigh our increasingly simulated reality, Bad Witch moves by such insular anxieties and more than direct acknowledges that social club's chaos is the event of our collective hubris. ... Reznor conveys a bleaker and more visceral sense of desperation on the album's two instrumental tracks.

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  13. Tracks such as The Frail'southward "Ripe (With Disuse)" are these kinds of delightful journeys. "Earth" and "Over and Out" only brandish longer extensions of single ideas, which make them even so a few points shy of the band's all-time.

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  14. Inspired stuff, though its slightness feels like a tease, and leaves us hungry for more than. [Aug 2018, p.88]

  15. Bad Witch, like its 2 predecessors, contains glints of exploration tempered by maturity and consistency. ... It's a strangely tentative gesture from an artist who fabricated his name every bit a longform auteur.

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  16. If you're looking for connectivity between the tracks, it's difficult to find it through the array of hyperactive dissonance. However Reznor and writing partner Atticus Ross managed to create their own version of The Matrix.

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